Former Professional Basketball Player
Training And Practicing Sports Psychologist
People Developer

Committed to Excellence
I was born on the 08th of November 1995 to a German mother and an English father in Munich, Germany. I grew up in southern Germany in the countryside just outside of Munich, with an older sister Janina, a younger sister Kate, and a black Labrador called George. I have always been interested and involved in sport.
Playing football, basketball and competing in triathlons, starting to coach basketball teams at the age of 14, earning coaching and refereeing licenses and enjoying pretty much every type of exercise I encountered.
After finishing school, I took a year out to work and volunteer abroad in Karnataka, India with the help of an organisation called Raleigh International, providing sustainable aid to local communities under the umbrella term WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene).
I then began my studies in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, studying Psychology with Sport Sciences (B.Sc.) and playing basketball on a competitive level in the National Basketball League (Division 1), as well as the highest national university league (BUCS). This was my first taste of a competitive performance environment, learning many lessons in leadership from later Team GB national head coach Marc Steutel.
Upon completing my undergraduate degree I moved to Cologne, Germany to further my academic education and study Psychology in Sport and Exercise (M.Sc.) at the German Sport University Cologne, the best university for sport in Germany and among the best in Europe and the world.In the first year of my postgraduate degree I continued to play competitive basketball for the Bayer Giants Leverkusen in the 1. Regionalliga (4th tier), the most successful German basketball club in history. It was here that I learned more about the structure of a big organisation with many different levels, a successful youth program all the way up to a successful men's team, competing against the best Germany has to offer.